When Life Gives You Monday…

Hello and happy Monday. Yes, I said “happy” because Mondays are a blessing. It’s a blessing to be alive and healthy!

This week, I want to share something that I think we all need right now. How to stay as positive as we know how during uncertain times. Staying positive all the time might not be realistic but we can remain hopeful during these uncertain times and that is as real as it gets.

This is something that I’ve been thinking about lately and I want to share some of my thoughts with you.

Here's the truth: I'm human and I feel emotions very intensely. My emotions have been all over the place. Being a self proclaimed empath, I feel what is going on around me on a much deeper and personal level. As hard as it can be to constantly remain positive, it is important that we remember to love on each other, lend a listening ear when we can, continue to share kind and encouraging words, unite and create spaces for more love and less uncertainty and anxiety. 

If you haven't tried to spend 20 minutes of your day (I prefer the mornings) simply showing gratitude for all that you DO have, I highly recommend doing so. We’re constantly reminded of what we lack, and that can cause us to lose the ability to be grateful.

For me, this looks like waking up, making a hot cup of coffee, listening to meditation music and sitting down with my planner and journal with a SPEAK Essentials candle burning in the background. 

I journal what I'm grateful for, how I want my day to go, what upset me and everything in between. Yes, I know there is a lot going on, but this practice allows me to change my outlook on things around me.

I encourage you to simply take a few minutes of your busy day this week and be still. That's it... be still and remind yourself of 10 things you're thankful for. 

If this practice helps just one person right now, I feel that this note wasn’t wasted.

I hope this week is extraordinary and boundless blessings flow your way. 

Sending you lots of love,


Kenyatta 💕

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